Venice - The Gondola Experience
The complete guide to your gondola experience
Venetian Gondola floating through the canals
Ah, the Gondola. There aren’t that many of us that haven’t oohed and aahed at a picture of this iconic symbol of Venice gliding down a postcard perfect canal. It is the quintessential Venetian experience, and maybe one of the most romantic things you will ever do in your life. It is history, charm, beauty and dreaminess all wrapped into one. It is a way to step back in time while savoring the hidden away magical corners of Venice, and if you’ve made it all the way to Venice, it is absolutely something you must experience! Here is everything you need to know…with photos ;)
Venetian Gondola on the Grand Canal in Venice
The Gondola - la gondola
Beautiful details and breathtaking scenes…..
WHERE TO TAKE YOUR RIDE - There are gondolas all over Venice so it won’t be hard to find a place to take a ride. You just need to ask yourself what type of experience you want to have and how far you are willing to walk to get it :) During the touristy season (April to October) there will be an abundance of gondolas in the busier spots like St. Marks Square and The Rialto Bridge. But along with the abundance of gondolas there will also be an abundance of people and you may find yourself waiting in line and then being part of a parade of gondolas all taking the same route. In the off season this will be very different but they could still be quite busy especially if there is a cruise or bigger tours which are going to be more likely to get a gondola at one of these famous spots. Don’t worry though, because these are only a couple of the many places to catch a ride. There are larger Gondola Stations scattered throughout the heart of Venice - Stations Santa Sofia, San Tomà, Santa Maria del Giglio, and Gondola Bacino Orseolo are all easy to get to, and if you type in any of these into Google maps it will take you right to them.
There is also a gondola service called They leave from Piazzale Roma (close to the train station) area and you can find them on Google maps as well. Through this service you are able to choose one of four tours to take. It is 10 euros more expensive, but if you like the idea of having a reservation then it is probably worth it. This gondola station also have a handicap loading area which is the only that I know of.
Other than all these larger stations, there are many smaller piazzas and side streets where you will find one or two gondolas (and hopefully their gondoliers too) waiting by a bridge. Obviously the smaller number of gondolas leaving from one place and the further away you are from the hustle and bustle is going to equal a calmer, quieter and more private ride. All of these places are going to show you something unique and incredible though, so decide what type of experience you want to have, work with your time and your location, and enjoy your dreamy experience!
COST AND LENGTH OF THE TRIP - Can you really put a price on a dream come true? :) The answer is yes! It’s 80 euros. And that is for the daytime dream. If you want to take a ride at night it is 100 euros. This is for approximately a 30 min ride. Some sites say it is for 40 min but I recently saw Authentic Venezia state that it is for a 25 to 30 min with 30 min being the average. When we took our ride in November of 2019 our Gondolier told us it was for about 30 min. Of course I wasn’t looking at my watch so I will have to trust him :) The gondolas will all be the same price with exception to the service mentioned above so this isn’t some place you are going to be trying to work out a deal. Still, make sure that you settle on the time and price before you take your ride. The prices are clearly stated by and on each gondola but I would still throw the number out there so that everything is clear. And if you feel like throwing some more money around, you can ask for additional time. An extra 20 min added to your ride in the day will be 40 euros additional, at night it will be 50. If you do see yourself wanting a longer ride, I would inquire about it before the trip starts. Pay at the end of the tour and tip if you feel that your gondolier made your experience extra special.
The cost for a gondola ride in the past has been for up to 6 people, but recently I read that they were making the new max 5 people. It didn’t state when this would be going into effect so check ahead.
And that’s it! Once all the business is out of the way, let your Gondolier guide you where to step and sit, take a photo, relax, and let the Venetian dream (and the oohing and aahing) begin!
My experience and more information below the beautiful pictures :)
I had been dreaming about a gondola ride since I was a little girl, but when I finally made it to Venice a few times in my 20’s I decided to skip it because it was one of those moments in my life that I wanted to experience with my husband, whom I hadn’t even met at the time. I knew I would be back though so I was willing to wait to share this romantic experience with him….and it was worth the wait!
We found our gondola in the late afternoon along the Grand Canal, right beside the Rialto Bridge market. Something I wouldn’t normally have done because I usually try and stray away from the more touristy areas. It was November though, the market was closed for the day and the little piazza was calm and free of people. It was also our last day in Venice and we weren’t finding many other options around for our ride:) There were only two gondolas and two gondoliers and we took the one that approached us first. Our gondolier greeted us with a smile and we briefly chatted about the length and cost of the ride to confirm. He helped us in one at a time, telling us where to step and sit as so to keep the gondola evenly weighted. He offered to take our picture, which we of course accepted, and then we waited for a couple of minutes while he prepared to leave. And then….just like that, a dream was coming true :)
We set off and crossed over the grand canal, which was a fantastic treat considering it was something I had never planned on doing. As we crossed, the gondola felt small and almost uncomfortably out of place in the larger deeper waters of The Grand Canal, but luckily any nerves were settled by the breathtaking and unique view of the Rialto Bridge from below. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it and the surrounding building facades until we turned down a small quaint canal nestled between two palazzos. The noise from the busy canal quickly faded and the gondola felt at ease and at home in the calmer quieter waters among the buildings. For me, this was where the real relaxing, experiencing and dream fulfilling could start.
The slow smooth glide of the gondola and the sound of the small gentle waves hitting the buildings put my heart at ease, while the faint sounds of life being lived all around put a smile on my face. As I looked up at the sky through the slender waterway I felt as though I was being showed a whole different view of heaven….and it was magnificent. What unbelievable moments. Gliding along the canals with my husband by my side was what I had always wished, and it was true. My soul would have been content with this, but there was so much more happening for me Something I never thought about was that I would be watching my children experience this with me too. I never envisioned their sweet smiles before me all those years ago or that we would be here for the first time together. My eyes, heart and camera jumped back and forth between us, them and their faces, the colors, the buildings, bridges and the people along the way. Every moment and every move of the gondola was soul stirring. How does one experience and truly take in so much beauty, dreams, hopes and memories all at once?! I don’t know…but I can wholeheartedly say I tried. I think in the end there will only be one way to truly take it all in, and that is to go again :)
As we finished our loop and entered back out into the Grand Canal, the sun lowering behind the Rialto Bridge showed us the prettiest site yet. It was the perfect grand finale to the ride really and I think all of our cups were overflowing with smiles, oohs, ahhs, and delight. We docked, our Gondolier once again took our pictures and then he helped us all out one at a time and in reverse from the way we had entered. We thanked him for a wonderful experience, paid him and said arrivaderci….
Buon Viaggio!
The Venetian Gondola.
The gondola is a unique and captivating creation. It’s design, along with the Forcola, allow the gondolier to easily maneuver and glide along the slender canals with a single oar that is always to one side. Pretty magical if you think about it right! But have you ever wondered how the gondola works or why it was made for in the first place? Check out this great website with details about the history and construction of the of this incredible boat >>HERE<<