~ Life Lemons Italy ~

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Marinated Olive & Basil Pesto Sauce - and 10 different ways to use it!

Spring…green, green….Spring. And I am so thankful! I am so thankful that the sun is shining more and that the days are getting warmer and longer. I am thankful for my annual therapeutic weed pulling as well and planting flowers and a vegetable garden. I am thankful for all the bright green newness that comes with this time of year. Everything starts over. Everything gets another chance to grow and bloom….even us. It has always been one of my favorite times of the year, and even though this year we are spending our Spring a little differently in lockdown, it is still something to be enjoyed and celebrated! Even if life is upside down for you right now…you can still find the beauty. Even if it’s just in the warmer winds…or in the birds chirping. Even if it’s just in the leaves budding and the flowers blooming. Even if it’s just that the sun is shining a bit longer each day. Even if…no matter what…in any way…let’s find the joy. Let’s be thankful for Spring, for life.

With all that being said…..let’s make and eat something green :) This pesto is a spin on the classic Italian basil pesto and it is one of my favorite recipes! It’s quite simple to throw together and there are many different ways it can be served - See below for some fun ideas :)

Ingredients for the pesto

~About Pesto~

  • Pesto originated in Genoa in the region of Liguria in Northern Italy.

  • The classic recipe - Pesto alla Genovese was first published in 1865 in the book La Cucina Genovese but recipes such as this have been around since ancient Roman times.

  • The word Pesto come from the Italian word Pestare which means to crush, mash or press.

  • Originally Pesto was made using a mortar and pestle …I’m sure there are many that still make it this way :)

  • The classic Pesto recipe was made using basil, garlic, pine nuts, olive oil, and a hard cheese like parmesan or pecorino.

  • Pesto received it’s first mention and explanation in an American paper in the New York Times in 1944.

  • Sunset magazine first published a recipe for pesto sauce in 1946….which was most likely the first in a major American publication.

  • Angelo Pellegrini was the contributor for the recipe in Sunset Magazine and his Pesto recipe gave no exact amounts.

  • Even though Pesto had started to make it’s way into homes in America in the 40’s and 50’s, and was in publications over the years, it wasn’t until the early 1980’s that it became popular

~The Recipe~

Marinated Olive and Basil Pesto Sauce

  • 1 Cup marinated green olives in oil* (see note below before starting recipe)

  • 1 Heaping cup fresh basil leaves

  • 1/3 Cup pine nuts

  • 1 Clove garlic

  • 1/4 Cup finely grated Pecorino cheese

  • 1/4 - 1/3 Cup Olive Oil* (see note below before starting recipe)

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  1. Add olives, basil, pine nuts and garlic to a food processor and puree.

  2. In a steady stream add in olive oil and puree again.

  3. Add in pecorino cheese and blend well. Salt and pepper to taste.

Serve with one of the below suggestions

*Note - I used green olives that had been packed in sunflower oil. I liked the taste of the oil so I used some of it and then finished off with olive oil. The above amounts are approximate. More or less oil can be used depending on the consistency you would like and what you are using the recipe for.

~Serving Suggestions~

  • Pesto Pasta - Cook 1 lb pasta according to package directions. Add Pesto sauce and serve warm with additional grated pecorino cheese….this is what I did :)

  • Pesto Pasta - Cook 1 lb pasta according to package directions. Add Pesto sauce and let cool to room temp. Mix in fresh sliced cherry tomatoes, fresh cubed mozzarella and basil. Serve cold or at room temp.

  • Panino Da Cortona from Life Lemons Italy - Recipe HERE

  • Tomato and Aritchoke Puffed Pastry from Life Lemons Italy - Recipe HERE

  • Pesto Bruschetta - Top slices of grilled baguette with pesto and a cube of mozzarella. Add an extra drizzle of olive oil if desired.

  • Easy Appetizer - Top slices of salami with a dot of pesto and a cube of mozzarella for a pretty appetizer.

  • Pesto Pizza - Spread pesto on pizza crust and top with fresh tomatoes, cooked chicken or prosciutto and cover with mozzarella cheese.

  • Pesto Butter - Mix pesto into butter and spread on toasted french bread.

  • Pesto Hummus - Mix pesto into hummus and top with pine nuts, basil or mint and a drizzle of olive oil.

  • Caprese Salad - Layer fresh mozzarella and tomato. Mix pesto with olive oil to make pourable, and drizzle over the top.

There are so many more options too!

Buon Appetito!

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